Fête de la Musique – the European and worldwide Music Day – is an annual festival held on June 21, the start of summer.
The event transforms cities around the globe into big stages – mostly open air, but not exclusively.
Usually, all performances are free and open to the public. Musicians waive their fees and all the concerts take place in unusual venues – mostly outdoors.
Everyone is welcome at the Fête de la Musique or Festa della Musica, how the Italians say.
For this formula to grow into a worldwide movement that reaches out to millions of people every year must have been beyond the wildest dreams of former French Culture Minister Jack Lang, who organized the first Fête de la Musique in Paris in 1982.
The seed was sown and now the event unites people in over 340 towns and cities worldwide, 60 of them being in Europe.
There’s nothing that can not be heard. Bands, orchestras, choirs, soloists, and DJs perform music of every genre. One other thing remains the same – the Fête de la Musique is a non-profit, non-commercial event. Like everything at the Fête de la Musique, it is about friendship, joy, respect and in short, humanity in music.
Ensembles traveling with iNCANTATO CONCERT TOURS by iNSIDE EUROPE on June 21 are encouraged to join the festivities — as performers or spectators. iN 2014, the singers from Phoenix Girls Chorus were a featured guest at the Rieti Festa della Musica to name just one occasion.